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Privacy Policy for St John the Evangelist, Cambridge 

What personal information (“data”) do you store and use?
We ask for your first name, surname and email address so that we can contact you and send you updates by e-news about events, activities, and services. We ask for your home address and phone number so that the clergy and ministry team can, if requested, arrange a visit, and because this helps us with the planning of activities, events, and services.
E-mail addresses, home addresses and phone numbers may be securely stored for these purposes by full-time clergy, the executive committee of the PCC, the ministry team, and the Choirmaster, including on their own phones.
Who will be able to see and use my personal data?
Access to your personal data is limited to the full-time clergy, the executive committee of the PCC, the ministry team, and the Choirmaster.
If you are on a rota, or in a small group, or in the Choir, your personal data (name/phone number/email address) will be seen by others on that rota, in that small group, or in the Choir (unless, in the case of a rota, otherwise agreed with the rota co-ordinator).
What about under-18s?
For under-18s who attend events, activities, and services, we also need their date of birth, and any relevant medical, allergies and dietary information, so that it is available to the Children’s Church and Youth leaders. We also ask parents and carers to tell us whether they consent to the faces of their under-18s being in photographs, livestreams and recordings on St John’s social media, website, displays and YouTube channel.
What if over-18s don’t want to be in photographs or livestreamed?
We livestream and record many of our services and typically retain the recordings on our YouTube channel for 4 weeks. If you would prefer not to be caught on camera, please ask a welcomer for advice on where to sit. We also take photographs of events, activities and services for use on our website and social media, so if you would prefer not to be photographed, please let the person taking the photographs know this.
Will my personal information be secure?
We use the services of Hubb.Church for the storage and use of personal information. You can find out more about Hubb.Church here
What if I change my mind?
You can withdraw your consent to the storage  and use of your personal data by email or by speaking to one of the clergy or one of the churchwardens. You can unsubscribe to e-news at any time.
What if I move away or change church?
If you move away or you move to a different church we will designate you as a former member and we will communicate with you accordingly, unless you ask us to remove you from the system altogether.
What information do you require if I want to arrange a Christening (baptism), a Wedding or a Funeral?
We are required by law to collect and process data about baptisms, weddings and funerals. We keep this data separately from the other data that we collect. We use the personal data that you give to us to communicate with you about the Christening, wedding or funeral to be held at St John the Evangelist. We share such data with third parties, such as funeral directors, where that is necessary for making the arrangements we have discussed with you. Data in hard copy about baptisms, weddings and funerals is kept securely, either in the office or in the Vicar’s Vestry in the church building.
How long do you keep data?
We keep data in accordance with the guidance set out in the guide “Keep or Bin: the Care of your Parish Records” at
We use cookies on our website and online services, and for this purpose we use Google Analytics, which generates statistical and other information about website use through cookies stored on users’ computers. You can find out more about this at
What if I have a concern about your use of my personal data?
We collect and process all personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK’s General Data Protection Regulation (together “GDPR”), and the terms we use in this policy are the terms used in the GDPR. The PCC of St John the Evangelist is the data controller under GDPR responsible for your personal information. You have the right to request access to information about you that we hold, which you can do by email to  If you have a concern about how we use your personal information, we ask that you raise your concern with us in the first instance or you can raise your concern directly with the Information Commissioners Office via their website
for office use: privacy policy as updated 9 February  2025


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Planning your Visit

New to Church? 

If you are planning your first visit to St John’s, welcome! We hope the information below will help you.
Our Sunday morning services begin at 10.00am. When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our welcoming team who will help you find somewhere to sit and will give you a service booklet and a hymn book. Please see our ‘Sunday services’ page for more details of services and times.
We serve tea, coffee and biscuits after the morning service and we hope very much that you will stay for a chat. All refreshments are free.
Accessibility: There is wheelchair access through powered double doors, and an accessible toilet. We have a small car park, and there is free parking on a Sunday in the surrounding streets. You may wish to arrive 10-15 minutes early if you need a parking space close to the church.
You can expect:
- A warm welcome, with everything you need to follow the service easily;
- Beautiful music in the English choral tradition at both Sunday services, led by the St John's choir and organist;
- A talk or sermon, usually focused on the readings we have heard;
- On Sunday and Wednesday mornings, tea or coffee afterwards and time to chat with others.
What about children?
We have a regular Children’s Church on Sunday mornings for 4-11 year-olds. The children learn about the same Bible readings we are hearing in church, with games, activities and prayers. We also have an All-Age service, where everybody worships together, on the first Sunday of each month. Find out more about Children's Ministry