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Join a Team

There are many areas that we would love you to get involved in, within the life of the church. Here is a list of areas where we currently have opportunities to serve.

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  • Hospitality team: welcoming people at Sunday morning services.
  • Refreshments team: serving tea and coffee after Sunday morning services. 
  • Tech team: live-streaming Sunday morning services. 
  • Sunday worship team: reading the Bible or leading intercessory prayers at Sunday services. 
  • Sacristans' team: preparing and serving communion at Sunday services.
  • Choir: singing in Sunday services and at special events. More about the Choir
  • Small Groups: a great place to learn from one another and deepen our faith. More about Small Groups
  • Children's Church team: growing faith in children aged 3-12 on Sunday mornings. More about Children's Church
  • Crêche team: looking after the under-3s in the crêche on Sunday mornings.
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  • Youth group team: playing games and leading discussions, fortnightly on Sunday afternoons.
  • Events team: co-ordinating, publicising and hosting concerts and other events.  
  • Garden maintenance team: keeping our courtyard and green spaces looking beautiful and welcoming. 
  • Church cleaning team: getting together to tackle tasks outside the weekly cleaning routine. 
  • Flower arranging team: creating beautiful displays for services and special occasions.  
  • Eco-Church team: helping us to build on our bronze Eco Church award and to become a Silver Eco Church. More about Eco Church
  • Lobby display team: liaising with community groups and creating displays about local issues and activities. 
  • Community Lunches on the last Wednesday of the month: cooking in the kitchen, and serving the food. 

If you would like to get involved in any of these areas or have another question about getting more involved in the church, please contact the church office or speak to one of the clergy.

Hello and welcome to our church. Learn more and plan your visit here:
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Church? 

If you are planning your first visit to St John’s, welcome! We hope the information below will help you.
Our Sunday morning services begin at 10.00am. When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our welcoming team who will help you find somewhere to sit and will give you a service booklet and a hymn book. Please see our ‘Sunday services’ page for more details of services and times.
We serve tea, coffee and biscuits after the morning service and we hope very much that you will stay for a chat. All refreshments are free.
Accessibility: There is wheelchair access through powered double doors, and an accessible toilet. We have a small car park, and there is free parking on a Sunday in the surrounding streets. You may wish to arrive 10-15 minutes early if you need a parking space close to the church.
You can expect:
- A warm welcome, with everything you need to follow the service easily;
- Beautiful music in the English choral tradition at both Sunday services, led by the St John's choir and organist;
- A talk or sermon, usually focused on the readings we have heard;
- On Sunday and Wednesday mornings, tea or coffee afterwards and time to chat with others.
What about children?
We have a regular Children’s Church on Sunday mornings for 4-11 year-olds. The children learn about the same Bible readings we are hearing in church, with games, activities and prayers. We also have an All-Age service, where everybody worships together, on the first Sunday of each month. Find out more about Children's Ministry