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What we believe


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We believe in one God ...

Our belief in God is central to the Christian faith. The Christian view of God is as the creator of the universe, with all the power that implies, but at the same time as a personal, loving, caring, merciful, and forgiving God.

Our understanding of the nature and character of God is as revealed in the Bible. For example, we learn from the Bible that God demands that we treat each other with fairness, kindness, and justice. God is seen as condemning bad treatment and exploitation of the poor and the weak. He is also seen as providing for the needs of those who seek God's help, and in giving absolute forgiveness for those who seek His mercy. The Bible frequently used the relationship between a parent and child as an analogy of the relationship between God and His people. We understand that the parent is able to forgive and forget anything that the child does that falls short of the parent's expectations, and we also understand that there is no kindness that the parent would withhold from the child. It is the same with God and us.

We believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord ...

As Christians, we believe that Jesus entered human history 2000 years ago as a real human, whilst remaining God. He lived for just over 30 years, spending the last 3 years of his life teaching and healing. He was put to death on a cross as if he were a common criminal, but came alive again after two nights (this is celebrated at Easter). A short while later he returned to Heaven. He promised His followers that one day He will return again, and Christians have remained in hope of this event.

Much of what we know about God is found in what the Bible tells us about Jesus. We see in Jesus the resolution of various contrasts that can be hard to understand. For example, the concepts of justice and mercy, which might seem irreconcilable, are explained through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Bible describes the relationship between Jesus and His people in terms of several different pictures. These include the shepherd caring for his sheep, as the parent seeking the lost child, and as the bridegroom at the wedding with his bride. All of these point to one who shows love, care and forgiveness.

We believe in the Holy Spirit ...

Jesus promised that when He returned to Heaven He would send the Holy Spirit. The very moment of the fulfilment of this promise is described in vivid detail in the book of Acts in the Bible. The story told there is that the the Holy Spirit came upon all the early Christians, giving them a new power where before they were confused and afraid. The promise of the Holy Spirit at work in us and through us is a promise for all who believe.

We believe in one church ...

This is not the organisation, but the community of Christians worldwide. The Bible speaks of the church as being like Christ's bride, as a vine, and as a body. The church shares common sacraments, such as Baptism and Holy Communion. As a church within the Anglican tradition, our faith is based on Scripture, tradition, reason and experience. 

And the other bits?

The Bible is 2000 years old at its youngest, and parts are likely to date back another 1000 years or so. It was written to people living in a very different cultures from our own, and facing problems we are never likely to experience. It is not surprising, therefore, that there are many points of detail in the Bible whose interpretation seem somewhat more ambiguous to us. Examples include some of the most distant historical events, and some of the rules given to the God's people. We understand that Christians will have different understandings of some of these points of detail; we consider that this adds to the richness of belonging to the church rather than needing to be a source of division. You can find the Bible here in the translation that we use in our services. Exploring the Bible and what it means for us today is something we love to do together. 

How do I find out more?
Coming to our Sunday services and joining one of our home groups  are both great ways to learn more about the Christian faith and to connect with God. 


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Planning your Visit

New to Church? 

If you are planning your first visit to St John’s, welcome! We hope the information below will help you.
Our Sunday morning services begin at 10.00am. When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our welcoming team who will help you find somewhere to sit and will give you a service booklet and a hymn book. Please see our ‘Sunday services’ page for more details of services and times.
We serve tea, coffee and biscuits after the morning service and we hope very much that you will stay for a chat. All refreshments are free.
Accessibility: There is wheelchair access through powered double doors, and an accessible toilet. We have a small car park, and there is free parking on a Sunday in the surrounding streets. You may wish to arrive 10-15 minutes early if you need a parking space close to the church.
You can expect:
- A warm welcome, with everything you need to follow the service easily;
- Beautiful music in the English choral tradition at both Sunday services, led by the St John's choir and organist;
- A talk or sermon, usually focused on the readings we have heard;
- On Sunday and Wednesday mornings, tea or coffee afterwards and time to chat with others.
What about children?
We have a regular Children’s Church on Sunday mornings for 4-11 year-olds. The children learn about the same Bible readings we are hearing in church, with games, activities and prayers. We also have an All-Age service, where everybody worships together, on the first Sunday of each month. Find out more about Children's Ministry